Hello Dirk, thanks for your thoughts on the video – if we had imagined it would be critiqued in such a detailed way we might have done it differently 😉
That said, although it was quite an impromptu exercise, it did reflect some particular intentions we had in mind. We wanted to emphasise how the EDC course provides a great opportunity to be simultaneously playful and scholarly. At the same time the video shows that, although we’re using a blog format which tends to privilege words on screen, there’s still space for using video or other forms (as you have already been adeptly doing!). We also felt that, while we could have conveyed the same factual information purely through language, we wanted to show our faces/ourselves – we felt perhaps there was something more personal in that. Finally, while we would have preferred to have put something more polished together (we literally had five minutes to record it while the theatre hands went about other business) I hope the video also shows that other members of the group needn’t be discouraged from experimenting through concerns about their work not looking too polished.
And I take your point about the way that naming the film spoiled things a bit. I agree. That was simply me bowing to pressure around acknowledging sources and so on.
Thanks for your feedback all the same, Dirk!
from Comments for Dirk’s EDC blog http://ift.tt/2jJBapo