Comments from npainter

Hello Dirk,

Thanks for this video. You’ll have to forgive me if I’ve misunderstood what you had in mind, however I really like the point you’re making that we need to see the digital (whether that be ideas around transhumanism or whatever) as part of a society more generally: as you say, ’no digital without social.’

Your video seems to challenge those who would excitedly proclaim the possibilities of digital technology without seeing how they might be subject to, or perpetuate, inequality. If the technologies exist that can transform education/what is means to be human, who has access to these technologies, whether through wealth or opportunity? When we talk about embracing digital technology in education, who gets left behind?

If time allows, I’d be really interested to hear your own thoughts on the video – a director’s commentary 😉 – which isn’t to say that it doesn’t stand alone or need explanation: I’m just intrigued.

Thanks again,


from Comments for Dirk’s EDC blog

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