Comment on Tweet! Vlogging versus virtual classroom by hwalker

Eli, this post reminded me of my mortifying experience many years ago when I applied to become a TEFL teacher. Part of the interview process required us to teach our fellow interviewees something. The other applicants were brilliant: we were taught the basics of using a chanter, how to ask for directions in Chinese and the Two Step.

I had arrived with only five tea-towels, ready to teach everyone how to transform them into chickens…

We focused a lot on the inherent value of the process of learning (anything!) in Digital Game-Based Learning. Gamers have to learn how to play games and that requires a multitude of skills and attitudes which have real value. How to recognise the value of that learning and how to harness those skills and attitudes within the structures and strictures of an often rigid formal educational framework is the challenge. These are two useful chapters about the transfer of learning from video games to ‘RL’ :

(If you’re interested, I’ll try and get an instructional ‘make a chicken’ video sorted over the weekend!)

from Comments for Eli’s EDC blog

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