I’m enjoying reading your reflections here, Matthew.
‘On the readings front, I regret I’ve not found time for a biblical reflection on Donna Haraway. She’s threaded through various postings, and a lot of my thoughts. I’ve got stuff to say, and I’m trying to think how to say it. I’d like to try something multimodal in that regard.’
Perhaps this is something you could come back to within the digital essay towards the end of the course? The assignment will give you more time to work with some of the ideas we encounter in the course, in a way that it’s hard to do within the lifestream blog. We can talk about this (or any other essay ideas you have) later in the course.
‘Walking into daily chapel the next day, hearing the piano playing, it wasn’t the same sound for me as on previous days. A lovely moment when the Lifestream spilled over into the non-digital everyday. I value those moments.’
I’m glad that our encouragement to think about music and sound has contributed to this lovely (and eloquently described) moment. As Sterne suggested in his historiography of cyberculture (2006), we have a tendency to heavily emphasise the visual when perhaps sound and other form provide a lens for thinking about the digital. Of course, ‘lens’ itself has a strong visual orientation so perhaps I’m also guilty of perpetuating this notion!
from Comments for Matthew’s EDC blog http://ift.tt/2jUTfxB