Excellent weekly summary here Daniel; suggesting overall themes that tie your explorations together, and specifying exactly what you’ve done with your week! Nice work.
I’ve been watching the musical influence in your blog unfurl with great interest, and super to see here a fresh take on ‘serious play’. You are taking such a creative and rich approach to the blog (and the very idea of ‘blogging’), and it is fantastic to see. The song lyrics and notes were really great responses to the cyborg themes – Cyber Maracatu is particularly superb, as is the line: ‘we spit and curse, transmit and disperse.’
I also really liked the musical interpretations of speech you shared. Trump’s jazzy ‘China’ had me in stitches. Actually, I’m going to watch it again right now…
I think you are absolutely right here to raise questions about the seriousness of scholarship, particularly given the form your lifestream blog is taking. The question of what ones ‘learns’ from creating a ‘lifestream’ in this way should be at the forefront of your thinking. I think your individual lifestream items have tended to focus more on the theoretical ideas in the course, rather than explicit connections to education – that is perhaps a way to develop your blog in block 2. Having said that, thinking about the form of your blog is perhaps one way to take this. Given your theme of ‘play’, might we understand your lifestream as a kind of improvisation itself, using feeds to respond to the theories you are reading about? I suppose within that, you are also learning ‘about’ the various ideas. That might be one way to continue thinking about ‘learning’ here: whether it is something representative of the course themes, or whether it is something that emerges through your practice and improvisation with the lifestream.
from Comments for Daniel’s EDC blog http://ift.tt/2keqxsx