Comments from npainter

Thanks for this weekly summary – nicely critical and also captures the character of what’s been in your lifestream (and why). Great that you were able to weave ideas from the literature into your summary (which is difficult to achieve in such a small space).

‘The physical and the philosophical make up digital cupture’

I wasn’t sure what you meant by digital ‘cupture’? A quick Google search reveals a wine tumbler? I’m not picking you up on grammar in the blog (I’m in no position to do so!), I’m just interested in your idea here. I presume though from the wider post that you’re arguing that as educators we need to think critically (philosphically) about digital, as well as showing an interest in range of technology (practical).

‘So my work on answering the question above has started by asking it in the first place.’

I really like this. If I interpret this correctly, the content of your lifestream blog has in itself addressed a question you posed earlier in the course (in your first video in particular, but also more generally)? If that’s the case I’m really glad as it suggests that your lifestream content has something to say about your activity over the week whilst helping you to investigate critical ideas around education and technology that interest you. Excellent.

from Comments for Dirk’s EDC blog

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