This week we have looked at Learning Analytics, for which I have posted my analysis here In this analysis, I, in a nutshell, went somewhat off on a tangent and looked at the exercise as a statement of why we do analytics and not necessarily how analytics reflect what we do. I summarized the positions of Verbeek (2011, 2013) and Foucault (1997) who assert that we need to be affirmative actors not only in the use of technology but its creation and declaration of purpose.
As usual, and characteristic of Blocks 1 and 2, the class engaged in discussion regarding the ethical and moral ramifications of technology. This discussion was perhaps more prominently in Blocks 1 and 2. What I did see more so in Block 3 was a diverse range of analytics and the types of data sought to be measured and ultimate use. Perhaps I missed some things, but I failed to see much reference to the initial programming of the applications themselves, e.g. how was the the Google Search algorithm programmed and how could it be changed or modified and by whom? The Twitter algorithm, in my view, was not so much about quality but of quantity, unless of course you purposely measure quality by quantity itself.
My readings took me through Knox, Verbeek, and Foucault primarily, and some others such as Braidotti. The issues I found myself circling back to are displayed in the following video clips. In short, we have technology and we know what it can do. The real questions we should now focus on are why do we need these technologies and how can we be involved in establishing their purpose to begin with?
Are we seeking an alternate reality or an impossible dream? Or neither? Either by choice, chance, or force, the algorithms we use to move into the next realm of our evolution can be influenced by our own sense of purpose. And what if, and when, technology evolves its own sense of purpose or the ability to change its fundamental programming? These are questions for future, ongoing discussions. The prisoner resists the insertion of technology into his life in order to alleviate loneliness and give him a new sense of purpose. The Man of La Mancha creates a purpose for himself yet sees the impossibility of fulfillment; yet he strives on in spite of it all.