Description: MOOC 4.0: The Next Revolution in Learning
By Renha
Pinned to #mscedc on Pinterest
Huffington Post article by
MOOC 1.0 – One-to-Many: Professor lecturing to a global audience
MOOC 2.0 – One-to-One: Lecture plus individual or small-group exercises
MOOC 3.0 – Many-to-Many: Massive decentralized peer-to-peer teaching.
MOOC 4.0 – Many-to-One: Deep listening among learners as a vehicle for sensing one’s highest future possibility through the eyes of others.
I think the MOOC I am participating in is still MOOC 1.0…
The pilot that Scharmer refers to has some fairly impressive statistics:
- Eighty-eight percent of the respondents said in an exit survey that the course was either “eye-opening” (52%) or “life-changing” (36%).
So, what makes it different?
- Formation of social fields is facilitated, linked to location hubs and ‘clinic circles’;
- It includes 75-minute synchronous sessions (global) focused on mindfulness;
- There is a focus on empathetic listening;
- It intentionally sets out to connect students.
Such a striking difference to my own MOOC experience.
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