Lifestream, Comment on A Micro-Ethnography? by Renee Furner

Your wry observations made me smile, Dirk – and it was, as others have commented, impressively crafted.
I’m interested to know what the course materials were like for creating online and blended learning – were they similarly ‘instructionist’?
You note that those seeking an online course should be careful to choose something that matches what they are looking for – be it community or content. Do you think that the choice of ‘best’ learning environment is just down to individual preference, or do some have more pedagogic value than others?

Also – I blogged about ‘the intimacy of the xMOOC’ while on IDEL. If you’re interested, I’ve opened the post up – I can’t seem to see how to make it public but you should be able to view it when logged-in to EASE. If it doesn’t work (and you’re still keen to read it – there is mention of pyjamas, ice cream and toilet trips) let me know, and I’ll add you as a user.

from Comments for Argonauts of the Western Pathetic