Lifestream, Comment on Tweetorial analysis – Where is Angela? by Renee Furner

Great reflection on what is missing in the data, Dirk. Thanks for sharing.

Regarding my mentions per tweet ranking, here’s some data from outside the ‘window’: I’m pretty sure the cause was simply my ‘early’ response to tweets.. which was influenced by ‘cultural-based time zone factors’, since in my region Friday is a weekend day (meaning I could respond quickly to James’ tweets on Friday morning without work interrupting .. ), and I’m +3 GMT so wasn’t sleeping till the later tweets.

‘Is any of the presented data and data analysis relevant at all? Does it say anything about quality?’

Wondering, do you have any ideas about the kind of analysis (and method) that would (or rather ‘might’) produce a relevant, meaningful interpretation? For example, if you were interviewed about the experience, and asked about what you found most useful/meaningful or which of the Tweet (either questions or responses) prompted the most thought on your part, or about what you felt or thought at the time, would we get closer to ‘relevant’? & if the interviews were repeated with all participants? It would be time consuming, yes, but.. would it reveal something worth uncovering?

What if (for a touch of the creepy) your web-camera had filmed you while tweeting, and captured signs of your mood, algorithmically interpreted? Or measurements of delay between reading a tweet and responding to it?

What in your mind is missing from the data that is required to make it meaningful?

Thanks again,


from Comments for Argonauts of the Western Pathetic

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