Lifestream, Pinned to #mscedc on Pinterest

transforming humans & human experiene through augmented senses, the Internet of things and ambient & ubiquitous intelligence []
Description: The convergence of information and communication technology is a permanent topic in tech foresight. The material basis for the transformation probably will be a mixed reality of the already emerging Internet of Things, Ambient and Ubiquitous Intelligence – and the maturing new interfaces of wearable Augmented Reality.
By Renha
Pinned to #mscedc on Pinterest

Came across this infograph – think it helps with identifying ways in which we already use ambient intelligence:

Ambient intelligence is an emerging technology that brings together three contemporary fields of information technology:
1 Ubiquitous computing, in which increasingly small microprocessors are inserted into everyday objects such as clothes, vehicles or furniture to make them more interactive or responsive to user needs. 2 Ubiquitous communication achieved to ever more robust wireless networking technology.
3 Intelligent or adaptive user interfaces, which allow humans and computers to interact in more natural or personalised ways.
Gagglioli et al., 2003 cited in Miller, 2011, p. 222

Miller, V. (2011). Understanding Digital Culture. London: Sage