Daily Archives: February 11, 2017


Matthew came up with a great term for exercising citizenship online. I looked it up on Google Ngram Viewer to see if it had figured in English books between 1800 and 2000. Even when I changed the second date to the most recent I could (2008), the results were the same.

Matthew was coining a new word and sharing it with the #mscedc community as part of a our shared language.


Public domain image

Brave browser flips search engine model round – pay for anonymous ads and no tracking
from Diigo http://ift.tt/1TFSYis


I can’t now remember how I came across this website which is worrying in case I am claiming it as my own find when really it’s not. This is interesting and invites further exploration in itself! I bookmarked it because BraveĀ offers a new browser modelĀ that purportedly addresses the growing public concern over the way websites track us and gather our personal data. It reminded me of reading Lister this week and underlines the tension of the uneasy relationship we maintain with online Web 2.0 affordances – we want to use them and we are aware thatĀ to do so will involve some cost to us. Brave appears to offer us more choice in what that cost comprises.

Brave points of view



Podcast! Variations on a theme


My first encounter with my chosen Mooc on phenomenology included some experiential exercises in which students were invited to play visual games, seeing how many times we could flip between perspectives of a Necker cube or perceive different objects in the same image. We were being encouraged to be “active observers” who “constantly look for alternative ways to perceive everything as if composers of themes and variations”.

The most striking part of this early course video was when the course leader stated “Our goal is not to resolve ambiguities, but to multiply them”.

Searching for ambiguity is a means of surfacing what may be deliberately obscured. Equally, ambiguity signals imperfect understandingĀ as if looking from one perspective only. A goal to exploit and explore ambiguity or uncanny moments recalls the “cyborg ontology” urged by Angus et al in which the authors call for the dismantling of easy binary structures to allow a greater and more honest understanding of the world. Education is not about providing answers, but learning how to ask the questions.