Daily Archives: February 13, 2017

Tweet! Random blog commenter community

We were talking about the people or the automated people who comment on our blog posts. Matthew asked whether they constitute a community in themselves. I’m beginning to perceive of them as such now – they seem harmless and I can’t help being a tiny bit cheered when they are so enthusiastic about one of my posts, even though I know they are algorithmically composed. Makes me think how I might find Teacherbot supportive and motivating if it analysed my posts or questions and detected my mood.

Random blog comment

Comment on Block 1 Visual Artefact by Cathy

Hi Nigel,
I loved this brilliant image packed with interest and meaning. What jumped out at me was your tense shoulder (despite its being bionic) and the fitbit on your wrist. I understood that juxtaposition to symbolise the tension between how far you want technology to ‘augment’ or ‘enhance’ the human?

from Comments for Nigel’s EDC blog http://ift.tt/2l6ww6i