Category Archives: Twitter

Tweet! Alison, edX, Coursera …

I retweeted this ad in my Twitter stream because it joined the legion emails I receive from online learning providers constantly encouraging me to improve myself either by learning or investing in my own branding. In this neo-liberal age the two are converging.

Favourite tweets! Revealing the imagination of another

I liked this tweet because it speaks of a method of revealing something authentic about another person. This resonates with an ethnographic perspective as well and a phenomenological one. It also reminds me of my exploration of sense-making in my last mscde module: in that case it was ambiguity which acted as a catalyst for the ‘observer’ to uncover tacit knowledge held by the ‘observed’.

Favourite tweets! Proper poet

A far superior iAMb for this week from a proper poet – invoking communities and networks

O twinkling path that loops across the air
A carriageway for minds to think and share

This post is linked to this one.

#iAMb Communities

The lines have ten syllables but they don’t scan. Never mind, it was an attempt to encapsulate this week’s thoughts on networks, connections and communities. It reminded me slightly of The New Mobilities Paradigm, an article full of visions of networks, fluidity, sudden flights and resettlings, circulation and points of stasis. The paper is a description of an emerging paradigm in social studies and voices not only the more romantic or commercial rhetoric surrounding networks and connection, but speaks, too, of the necessary static and immutable infrastructure that enables them. It is a reaction against sedentarist theories and details how commodities of every kind are “on the move”. The paper evokes feelings of time and hurry for me too with its evocations of dynamic, contingent, emergent and ephemeral communities and happenings.

A much better network iAMb posted subsequently.

Urry, J. & Sheller, M. (2006). The New Mobilities Paradigm