Comment on A Mini-ethnography by cmiller
An automicrowebnography! Very nice presentation style too. It really helps to provide pace to your writing.
I’m very interested in your experience initially, as I’m looking through a lense of parts of Kozinet’s work for my ethnography. My finding for my mooc seems to place the community at a very different place from my experience.
When I see your response from the community, I’m more sure that my own conclusions could well prove to stand up to more rigorous debate: namely that we need a specific matrix to account for MOOC communities. They just do not seem to behave like “normal” online communities !
from Comments for Linzi’s EDC blog
Comment on A Mini-ethnography by cmiller
What I mean is that your experience with the community on your mooc and my experience with my mooc appear to be polar opposites, but neither, I think, are adequately covered by the matrix presented by Kozinets!
from Comments for Linzi’s EDC blog
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