Sometimes getting away from it all gives new perspective. Our internet culture is world-wide, but we still segment ourselves in to smaller boxes. Perhaps our lives as social entities are unable to comprehend the vastness of it all, so segmentation is inevitable. Unless you’re on the moon….
Category: Block 2 – Community Cultures
“This second block will consider the concept of online community and will look at digital ethnography as a research method. Readings will be provided on both. The main work of this block will involve you in working alone to conduct a micro virtual ethnography of a massive open online course (MOOC) of your choice. There is information on the course web site about the ethical and practical issues you should take into account in doing this. You will end your work in the block by creating an ethnographic snapshot of this community using an online medium of your choice. This must also feed into the assessed lifestream-blog.” From:
From Pinterest – How can you ‘counter’ anything when you are continually observed?
From Pinterest – Don’t look up
From Pinterest
From Pinterest – Long Tail market reach
From Twitter: RLOs
My chosen course for the micro-ethnography is providing some excellent quotes for #mscedc
but "Different people are suited to different things so you will always find an exception." #flelearninghealth #mscedc customisation is key
— C (@c4miller) February 18, 2017
From Twitter: RLO
Reusable Learning Object example from #flelearninghealth #mscedc I'm doing a course within a course within a course
— C (@c4miller) February 18, 2017
From Twitter: VR Arcades in Edinburgh
Found a VR Arcade in Leith, Scotland (photo in comments) via @reddit #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) February 17, 2017
From Twitter
#flelearninghealth #mscedc an interesting introduction to the first week. it's now past midnight, and my brain needs to wind down.
— C (@c4miller) February 17, 2017
Is the discussion forum helpful?
I picked this link up from Twitter, via @philip_downey:
A look in to how MOOCS are evolving, particularly away from the use of discussion fora.
Building a Sense of Community in MOOCs — Campus Technology #mscedc
— Philip Downey (@philip_downey) February 16, 2017
From Twitter
Ahh, ok… how's this now going to work? The meeting of two worlds!? #FLelearningHealth #mscedc I'm no longer a lurker
— C (@c4miller) February 16, 2017
From Twitter
And here's the rest of my cohort from the entire world. #mscedc
— C (@c4miller) February 16, 2017
From Twitter
Here I am, along with the rest of the UK-based students on my chosen course for #mscedc micro-ethnography
— C (@c4miller) February 16, 2017
From Pinterest
[NSFW] Online Cultures: sharing stigmatic status – “weeabos”
I am not a “weeaboo” but continuing with the collection of notable sub-cultures and communities I’ve encountered on the web over the years, I thought to include something about an online community for which participation requires identifying with a culture entirely different to that which you live in. With apologies to anyone who doesn’t read the NSFW tag as “not safe for work”, this content has profane language, and is presented as dark comedy which may not be to everyone’s liking. I include it as a stark example of the following quote:
“Because of their online community experiences with others who shared their own stigmatic status, they considered themselves less different, benefited from the increase in self-acceptance, and felt less socially isolated”. Kozinets (2010)
This video encapsulates the above statement on at least two levels
- There’s a stigma associated with the YouTube content producer TVFilthyFrank
- The subject is about a group of people who benefit from the internet bringing them together, and providing them with the means to enjoy and enforce their cultural norms. (see Kozinets 2010, p28)
However, the YouTube content challenges the acceptance of the “weeabo” culture, and in doing so, draws attention to it, and potentially furthers awareness and draws more people in to it. The language could certainly be seen as derogatory to those participating in the culture. This raises a question about morality online, if online community can form around any subject, is it also fair that any community is open for satire, critique and comment? If the internet is an enabler for creation of community, can it also bring about the reverse for an online community? I also note that the content producer is putting himself up for being laughed at (rather than with) so perhaps there’s some consolation to the weeaboo community there.
Kozinets, R. V. (2010) Chapter 2 ‘Understanding Culture Online’, Netnography: doing ethnographic research online. London: Sage. pp. 21-40.
Week 4 – Round Up
I week 4, I spent time going through the Block 1 artefacts of the other students. This was an enjoyable experience, and put a lot of the ideas covered in to perspective. The idea of love, rage, shame, combined with a simpler life was an interesting juxtaposition pulled in by Philip in his artefact. The sense that despite all our progress in technology, we’re not really that much further forward understand humans. As a race, we’re still very child-like. Perhaps it’s right that our evolution and emotional development requires us to make mistakes through technology. Jeremy highlighted Roxanne’s artefact, which was both excellent and sinister. My comment there is still awaiting moderation, which highlights an issue with the current use of blogs and IFTTT.
I put a lot of effort in to my Artefact for Block 1, and that actually left me a little flat at the beginning of the week, but looking at the other artefacts was a great incentive to move on. It was very much satisfying to have completed Block 1, and the feedback I received was most encouraging from Clare and others via FaceBoook.
I caught up at the end of the week 4 spending time going through some readings and pulling in comments from Lister et al; Gauntlet , and also a thought on the use of Twitter in international politics. I was also looking in to how subcultures flourish on the internet, and the how the ability to communicate around the world increases the chances of finding someone with your particular niche interest to form viable community.
For the micro-ethnography exercise, I selected my MOOC. Helping out with a non-related tech issue reminded me about the internet is to be treasured, and that from its genesis in the military, tension and conflict between different ideologies remains a core facet of the web’s existence.
From Twitter: Sub Cultures Online
Some subcultures could only maintain existence via the internet. This could be one such….
If I said "furries" in relation to online community and cultures, would people on #mscedc know what I was on about?
— C (@c4miller) February 12, 2017
From Pinterest
“The web is changing politics and international relations”
“The web allows people to express themselves”
“The web allows people to express themselves” (Gauntlet, 2005 in Lister et al, 2009 p.166)
People have been expressing themselves creatively longer than the web has been in existence. Those around us would listen, watch, comment. We would seek out audiences if we were either good enough, or thought we were worthy of an audience. Perhaps what this means is that we now have a world-wide audience within easy reach.
I’ve always dabbled in music, and because you are on the internet, you can listen to what I have produced. None of it about to win any awards, but it has been an enjoyable (pre-child, pre-MSC) hobby.
Gauntlett, David (2005) Web studies: what’s new?, in David Gauntlett and Ross
Horsley (eds) in Lister, M. … [et al.], (2009) “Chapter 3. Networks, users and economics” from Martin Lister … [et al.], New media: a critical introduction pp.163-236, London: Routledge
From Pinterest
From Pinterest
From Twitter
@j_k_knox This is a disturbing artefact for sure. But my "comment is awaiting moderation." #mscedc how does your comment escape the queue?
— C (@c4miller) February 12, 2017
Comment: “Awaiting moderation”
One of the issues with using blog is the asynchronous nature and the requirement to moderate our fellow students’ posts. It can leave your posts in limbo for some time.
From Pinterest
From Pinterest
“Instead [the internet’s] protean identity is reproduced by a mix of fandom, community, commerce and business, linked by technologies that are both private and publicly owned and variously regulated. In other words the Internet came into existence as the rest of numerous factors, accidents, passions, collisions and tensions. ” (Lister et al, 2009, p.163)
Once upon a time… “numerous factors” included a US Defence agency and education institutions who used a network to communicate. It was so large, that the directory book of all the users’ addresses amounted to several pages…..
Images sourced from an original copy of the Arpanet Directory circa 1982. It was quite a thing to behold.
Lister, M. … [et al.], (2009) “Chapter 3. Networks, users and economics” from Martin Lister … [et al.], New media: a critical introduction pp.163-236, London: Routledge
From Twitter: Toward the Micro-Ethnography
New blog post entitled: "Signing up to a course for ethnographic study" at
— C (@c4miller) February 11, 2017
From Twitter
Capturing the speed of light. On film? This has got to be worth watching, which I'll get back to asap…
— C (@c4miller) February 9, 2017
Copied from the comment on this blog item that didn’t appear in the Lifestream directly:
Ultimately, the human race’s survival depends on our ability to escape this solar system. Perhaps much of the gloom of cyber-culture’s more dystopian views, are partly accepting that our doom is inevitable one way or another. More likely we’ll destroy ourselves before our sun runs out of energy. Granted that point is so far away as to statistically insignificant, BUT nevertheless, understanding how light travels, so that perhaps one day we may travel faster than it, is just another example of how human’s are capable of understanding even more how that might happen when we use tools to our best advantage. Capturing light moving as if it was a solid object is an amazing feat.
From Twitter: Not every bit of technological progress is a giant leap….
Are we looking at the next steps toward our fully immersive future in Virtual Reality?
testing a chatbot Modbox NPC… google voice api > chatbot api > amazon polly api > oculus lip sync > morph3d avatar
— Lee Vermeulen (@Alientrap) February 7, 2017
From Twitter
Feedback gratefully received on my Block 1 artefact!
@ClareThomsonQUB Thanks! <3 The rain… I had to engage MC cheat mode to ensure it was raining, and boost the audio so it could be heard 😀
— C (@c4miller) February 6, 2017
From Twitter: Block 1’s artefacts
Such awesome artifacts for the first block of #mscedc. I've enjoyed watching them so far. The twighlight zone is sticking in my head though!
— C (@c4miller) February 6, 2017
@c4miller The powr of Rod Serling as a story-teller who captures the imagination and takes it where it wants to go. Like Hitchcock. #mscedc
— Philip Downey (@philip_downey) February 7, 2017