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Just another Education and Digital Cultures 2017 site
more on Bladerunner.
Immersing myself in images and photos is quite relaxing. This is another cyberpunk excursion in the universe of the Bladerunner.
Toward my artefact and also with reference to the Togethertube playlist.
The idea of security by the machine is taken up by Eset, an internet security/Anti-Virus company, the products and services of which I have used in the past. Fitting in with the idea of AI, but also perhaps fitting with Harroway’s genderless cyborg. We assign a male gender to this robot (or do we?), so perhaps we feel more secure under its watchful eyes than a specifically genderless design, but would it work similarly if the robot was obviously female?
Visions of the cyborg. The ultimate expression of transhumanism?
The lips almost appear to be stitched, were the vertical lines extended to the top lip. Quite unsettling. I take less notice of the chunk of silicon welded on to the side of the face.