From Twitter: Sub Cultures Online

Some subcultures could only maintain existence via the internet. This could be one such….


From Twitter: Music and video for Block 1

We were encouraged to think about how music might relate to our themes

From Twitter: Through experimentation with technology, we bring about our own downfall – a twist in the tail

My reading and viewing activity tonight took me in to a future world which has animal, machine and human merged in near perfect symbiosis. Harroway with animals as kin. But what might happen before we reach the cyborgian/transhuman utopia is that the animals get wise and start to take us out before we get there. The series “Zoo” (linked in the tweet below) offers an entirely different take on sci-fi than what I was expecting. My wife started watching it and told me about, so it seemed relevant to post here as a counterpoint to it all. If transhumanism would have us shake off our tribal instinct, this series sees us amplifying it. Perhaps there is room for sci-fi where it is not the augmented, super human from the future that we’ve to fear, but animals. Oh wait. That’s what Planet of the Apes was about….

From Twitter: still ironing out the kinks of IFTTT

I’m sticking some of these together now.

From Twitter: Virtual Reality Classrooms?

If you can get your preferred platform, system, device in the classrooms around the world then you stand to gain financially. So why not talk up your investment’s future.

But it also works both ways. Will education demand the technology?

From Twitter, with love… not.

I like when technology works. I like it a lot. But at the moment, this is not working reliably. Subsequently to the tweet below, I now have to enter into each post and setup the IFTTT twitter URL as a link via the WYSIWYG and then update the post. But it only works if you click the WYSIWYG link button and then press submit. Any other click between the two, and the tweet will not embed as this one here:

From Twitter: Twitter Meta

Last week, I created an IFTTT applet to draw together people who were using the #mscedc hashtag on twitter. It worked! It’s useful, because I can follow the people and keep up with their tweets.

IFTTT WordPress -> Twitter (and back again….)

Can’t say I’m enjoying using IFTTT at the moment. I’m sure I grasp it. It just lacks enough hooks to make it really versatile. Or perhaps I don’t grasp it, and it requires problem solving on your own. I have made a living largely reliant on not being slow on the uptake when it comes to “new” technology, so I don’t like to be beaten. Turns out that the reason I couldn’t get my tweets to display in a reasonable acceptable aesthetic manner was because of the WordPress template.

Now I’ve sorted that, the IFTTT feed from twitter isn’t updating my blog.

Meanwhile, I’ve added an IFTTT applet which posts “blogpost” category WordPress entries in to Twitter. Which will create a single feedback loop, unless I can find the “If this then NOT that” equivalent…..


Comments on Mathew’s Blog and From Twitter

Open means open, and you can take advantage of opportunity to discuss, or not…

JANUARY 29, 2017 AT 4:11 PM
I read your post twice and skimmed it several times, went out for some fresh air, then came back to it with a cup of tea, before committing to this comment. I don’t have an existing field of studies to draw upon to make more sense of it than I do. I’m not a scholar by trade, but I embarked on this MSc to learn, and I am interested in what you write because I can feel it scratching away at my brain, even if it’s beyond my initial attempts to unlock its meaning or access the background it comes from.

Continue reading “Comments on Mathew’s Blog and From Twitter”

from Twitter: another togethertube session

from Twitter

From Twitter: Continual process of improvement?

Institutions often give an appearance of leaving adoption of certain technologies to the last minute, resulting in significant changes in a relatively short period in response to external influences such as the National Student Survey (NSS).

from Twitter

From Twitter: Still dreaming of Minecraft

from Twitter

From Twitter: getting to grips with ITFF, part #124

from Twitter

From twitter: the politics and barriers of tech adoption

Not everyone enjoys new technology. My experience with one new platform that would have dramatically altered how I did my job, and how some academics might have engaged with their students, was stopped before it even took off.

from Twitter

From Twitter: tweetception

IFTTT is not intelligent, but then again, the person programming it cannot escape blame for this kind of mishap either. Creating an infinite loop of reposting appears to be possible.

from Twitter

From Twitter: A story of a twitter addict?

Visibility on Twitter is a numbers game, but I personally do not enjoy continual dominance of my twitter feed by a single poster.

from Twitter

From Twitter: the struggle with IFTTT is real

from Twitter

From Twitter: A collaboration on a Minecraft cinema?

We used minecraft in IDEL, it was a good common room. It’s a shame it doesn’t feature in Education and Digital Cultures.

from Twitter

From Twitter: A cross-referenced Blog post

IFTTT sends “blog post” categories to twitter, which then goes back to the life stream.. I need to change that.

from Twitter

From twitter: setting habits

I find it easier to keep everything in one place. We don’t have a single platform, but I can pull threads together so that everytime I open up my web browser, I’m confronted by the relevant pages to check over.

from Twitter

From Twitter: Bad Computer/Compost Pun

This was Eli’s picture, which is kind of needed for context! Not that the pun improves any.

from Twitter

Windows Activation is a bit of a joke in any case, but has improved in Windows 10 now that it’s attached to your Microsoft Account, rather than the hardware you are using.

#mscedc anyone willing to share how to improve formatting on ifttt tweets->wordpress? I see some lovely formatting…

from Twitter

edit: I’m leaving this one as-is. This is one of the templates IFTTT and I started off for setting my Tweets. I had to test multiple templates before getting one that presented the link as an embedded tweet. It really does not sit well with my years of exposure to graphic and web design. Not that I’m especially talented in either, but I’d rather have my site legible, which this format is not.