Comment on Colin Miller’s My Artifact#1 – Do Minecraft avatars dream of voxel sheep? by cpsaros

Comment on My Artifact#1 – Do Minecraft avatars dream of voxel sheep? by cpsaros

Colin, what an original fun way to interpret what we’ve been doing on the course!

The thing that probably struck me about your post is the ease in which you move around the Minecraft environment. I never managed to do that well in Minecraft. Are you using it as a metaphor for how we navigate digital spaces in terms of technical ability and where we feel comfortable online? How we interact with others? I noticed some places were more populated than others.

I also like how you managed to enhance your artefact with the soundtrack from the film referencing Sterne. Thanks for your unique perspective.

from Comments for Colin’s EDC blog

Comment on Daniel Jackson-Yang’s visual artefact by cpsaros

Daniel, what a wonderfully personal artefact! I love your first image. It’s quite beautiful. The light from the screen and the rapture on your face definitely suggests that there might be some form of enlightenment hidden beyond what you are seeing. The blurriness add too because it supports the idea of the lines between the body and technology being blurred too.

Comment on Helen Murphy’s visual artefact by cpsaros

Helen, what a fantastic idea to turn your artefact into a commercial! I think it was very astute to play on people’s fear of being unwell in order to go for the hard sell. In the UK it is sometimes easy to forget that health care is big business and I suspect if you were to sell a product like this your biggest customers would not be people scared of being ill; the best customers would be the drug companies trying to keep any product affecting their profits off the market.

Amazon did something similar by buying out the company which developed the robotic technology for use in their warehouse and thereby taking the competitive edge in online shipping.

Thanks for providing this unique perspective.

Comment on Anne Power’s MSCEDC Visual Artefact A. Powers by cpsaros

Great video Anne! It’s incredibly unsettling. The disorientation and repetition you manage to convey so well is often evident when navigating new digital spaces. Sneaking skating in there, making it relevant to your own teaching, was interesting, perhaps that disorientation is exactly how I would feel on a pair of skates.

I really love how you manage to incorporate bodily functions like a heart beating and breathing connecting the body to the digital.

from Comments for Anne’s EDC blog

Comment on Helen Walker’s Visual artefact by cpsaros

Comment on Visual artefact by cpsaros

What a wonderful contrast of past and present Helen. A really thought provoking artefact and very visually stimulating.

It made me consider how educational institutions view students as data because so much of their funding is dependent on results. This aspect of education dehumanizes students which in a way (if I stretch Haraway’s metaphor even further) transforms them into cyborgs where their past, gender, race, or class are inconsequential.

What was also interesting, and since I don’t know what period the older images are from, is how little has changed in the way we perceive the physical space of classrooms, even in the digital age. I only comment on it as I used the same kind of space in my artefact.

from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog