@BryanAlexander Imho: Recent history shows: It starts online, then takes 2 the streets. Educators: Share info, teach freedom, take a stance.
@BryanAlexander Imho: Recent history shows: It starts online, then takes 2 the streets. Educators: Share info, teach freedom, take a stance.
@BryanAlexander True, yet escalating “everything” inequality equals war and chaos in my book. I would prefer not to.
@BryanAlexander Automation can help create a world in which we work because we want, not because we must. Freedom & equality trump profits.
@philip_downey @ClareThomsonQUB @james858499 @helenwalker7 Typos? Non-native spkr typing on iPad, my posts look like a Gertrude Stein poem.
As it always is and will be difficult to know what’s true, maybe we should focus on what’s good?
@claraoshea @Slate Proves that there IS intelligent life on earth, i.e. sharks, not dolphins or humankind? 👍✌️
@rachelleeobrien @PsychToday Absolutely and THANK YOU for forwarding and thinking of me 👍✌️❤🎓
@philip_downey @james858499 @helenwalker7 Philosophical issues here, like altering our personal online history books for self-serving ends.👍