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Category: passive

Strenge Erziehung schadet der Schulleistung

Strenge Erziehung schadet der Schulleistung

Je strenger die Erziehung, desto besser die Leistung? Forscher aus den USA haben diesen Mythos untersucht – und einen gegenteiligen Zusammenhang entdeckt. Eine besonders strenge Erziehung führt nicht zu besonders guten Leistungen – sondern vielfach sogar zum Versagen in der Schule. via Pocket
Total recall: the people who never forget

Total recall: the people who never forget

If you ask Jill Price to remember any day of her life, she can come up with an answer in a heartbeat. What was she doing on 29 August 1980? “It was a Friday, I went to Palm Springs with my friends, twins, Nina and Michelle, and their family for Labour Day weekend,” she says. via Pocket
The longest personality study ever shows that your personality may completely change throughout life

The longest personality study ever shows that your personality may completely change throughout life

Imagine you’ve reached the fine age of 77 and you hear news of a school reunion. You’re going to have the chance to meet up with several of your former classmates who you haven’t seen since you were fourteen-years-old. via Pocket