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Tag: das gute leben

Depression: Darum erkranken so viele Deutsche daran

Depression: Darum erkranken so viele Deutsche daran

Auf den ersten Blick malen die Zahlen, die Eurostat, die Statistikbehörde der EU, in dieser Woche veröffentlicht hat, ein düsteres Bild von Deutschland. Sie besagen, dass etwa einer von zehn Deutschen in jüngster Zeit unter einer chronischen Depression gelitten hat. –>> via Pocket
Expansive New Study Says Not Exercising Is Worse for Your Health Than Smoking

Expansive New Study Says Not Exercising Is Worse for Your Health Than Smoking

It’s common knowledge that there are many benefits to being fit, but one large new study found that skipping out on the gym is practically the worse thing you can do for your health. In fact, the study claims not exercising might be more harmful to your health than smoking. –>> via Pocket


Imagine you are given $20,000 to spend however you like. Assuming that your goal is to increase your happiness, should you spend more on purchasing experiences (e.g., going on vacation) or things (e.g., clothes, new electronics, etc)?  –>> via Pocket
How rich are the rich? If only you knew

How rich are the rich? If only you knew

Actor and comedian Chris Rock made this astute statement during a 2014 interview with New York magazine, referring to the yawning gap between rich and poor. In so doing, he stumbled upon a key challenge in the study of inequality. What’s the best way to measure it? –>> via Pocket
The Psychology of Inequality

The Psychology of Inequality

In 2016, the highest-paid employee of the State of California was Jim Mora, the head coach of U.C.L.A.’s football team. (He has since been fired.) That year, Mora pulled in $3.58 million. Coming in second, with a salary of $2. –>> via Pocket
5 simple ways to slow down aging

5 simple ways to slow down aging

Aging is largely your chromosomes’ fault. That’s what Nobel-prize winning biologist Elizabeth Blackburn discovered when she started exploring the world of the invisible, threadlike cellular strands that carry our genetic code.  –>> via Pocket