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Tag: education

Why Are Teenage Girls So Unhappy??

Why Are Teenage Girls So Unhappy??

When Mary Pipher’s groundbreaking book about the lives of young adolescent girls was written a quarter of a century ago, she found them to be in conflict with their parents, confused, and engaged in risky behavior, which she attributed to the violent, misogynistic culture of the era. –>> via Pocket
Viele Schüler leiden unter Kopfschmerzen

Viele Schüler leiden unter Kopfschmerzen

Mehrmals im Monat dröhnt der Kopf, Schmerztabletten sind nötig – an Schule ist kaum zu denken: Einer aktuellen Umfrage zufolge haben mehr als ein Viertel der Schüler chronische Kopfschmerzen. Wer denkt, chronische Kopfschmerzen seien ein reines Erwachsenenproblem, liegt falsch. –>> via Pocket
There is no point sending your children to Eton because education is in your genes, says geneticist

There is no point sending your children to Eton because education is in your genes, says geneticist

Sending children to private schools like Eton is a waste of time because academic success is written in the genes meaning youngsters would do just as well at the local comprehensive, a leading scientist has claimed. –>> via Pocket