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Evolutionsforschung: »Mein Rat: Heiraten Sie eine Nigerianerin«
ZEIT Wissen: Herr Professor Jones, wann befreit uns die Evolution endlich von Rückenschmerzen und Dummheit? Steve Jones: Leider müssen wir uns darum selbst kümmern – der Mensch wird sich in absehbarer Zeit nicht mehr an äußere Bedingungen anpassen. Unsere Evolution ist beendet. –>> via Pocket http://bit.ly/2SOKBHj
Germs in Your Gut Are Talking to Your Brain. Scientists Want to Know What They’re Saying.
The body’s microbial community may influence the brain and behavior, perhaps even playing a role in dementia, autism and other disorders. In 2014 John Cryan, a professor at University College Cork in Ireland, attended a meeting in California about Alzheimer’s disease. –>> via Pocket https://nyti.ms/2TkX15B
Artificial intelligence can detect Alzheimer’s in brain scans six years before a diagnosis
Artificial intelligence could one day change the lives of people facing an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, according to a new study by researchers at UC, San Francisco. –>> via Pocket http://bit.ly/2LOubYw
Google says its AI is better at predicting death than hospitals
Google’s Medical Brain team is now training its AI to predict the death risk among hospital patients — and its early results show it has slightly higher accuracy than a hospital’s own warning system. –>> via Pocket https://ift.tt/2HYNhHW
Are smartphones causing more teen suicides?
Around 2012, something started going wrong in the lives of teens. In just the five years between 2010 and 2015, the number of US teens who felt useless and joyless – classic symptoms of depression – surged 33% in large national surveys. Teen suicide attempts increased 23%. –>> via Pocket https://ift.tt/2IG4uLA
People with depression use language differently – here’s how to spot it
From the way you move and sleep, to how you interact with people around you, depression changes just about everything. It is even noticeable in the way you speak and express yourself in writing. Sometimes this “language of depression” can have a powerful effect on others. –>> via Pocket https://ift.tt/2EQZjl8
Quitting Facebook Leads To Drop In Cortisol Levels, Australian Study Shows
Just five days without Facebook is enough to reduce one’s levels of the stress hormone cortisol. According to Statista, Facebook currently has more than 2 billion active monthly users, which makes it the most popular social network by a large margin. –>> via Pocket https://ift.tt/2Jckbqk
The 2 Reasons Why So Many People Are Becoming Lonelier
We’re getting lonelier. The General Social Survey found that the number of Americans with no close friends has tripled since 1985. “Zero” is the most common number of confidants, reported by almost a quarter of those surveyed. –>> via Pocket https://ift.tt/2mzE5Ev
Deutschland hat ein Alkoholproblem
Jeder Mensch in Deutschland konsumiert pro Jahr im Schnitt eine Badewanne voller alkoholischer Getränke, zeigt eine aktuelle Untersuchung. Beim Rauchen liegt vor allem eine Tabaksorte im Trend. Die Menschen in Deutschland konsumieren nach wie vor viel Tabak, viel Alkohol und viele illegale Drogen. –>> via Pocket https://ift.tt/2J2w022