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Tag: jobs

The 10 Commandments of Podcasting

The 10 Commandments of Podcasting

Right now, it seems like businesses right and left are starting podcasts, many as a way to help counteract slower-than-normal sales. As of July 2020, there are more than a million podcasts and more than 29 million episodes available for listening, according to Podcast Hosting. –>> via Pocket
Teaching Philosophy With Podcasts: A Few Modest Proposals

Teaching Philosophy With Podcasts: A Few Modest Proposals

Recent years have seen an increasing pressure on university teachers to include new media in their teaching practices. I recently had a conversation with one of my colleagues in my department who was fond of having his students continue discussing, on Facebook, questions addressed in lectures. –>> via Pocket
12 low-cost business ideas for introverts

12 low-cost business ideas for introverts

If you identify as an introvert and are interested in your own low-cost startup, you could be an ideal candidate for starting your own business. Introverts are powerful in their own right. They are productive thinkers with strong opinions who can achieve much. –>> via Pocket
The list of countries that will benefit from the AI revolution could be exceedingly short

The list of countries that will benefit from the AI revolution could be exceedingly short

Every other economy should brace for trouble ahead, Lee says in an interview with Edge. “The countries that are not in good shape are the countries that have perhaps a large population, but no AI, no technologies, no Google, no Tencent, no Baidu, no Alibaba, no Facebook, no Amazon,” Lee says. –>> via Pocket
“Unser einziger Fehler ist, dass wir eine russische Firma sind”

“Unser einziger Fehler ist, dass wir eine russische Firma sind”

Kein leichter Job: Kasperskys neue Europa-Chefin Ilijana Vavan spricht über den Spionageverdacht gegen den Antivirensoftware-Hersteller – und fordert, dass schon Schüler lernen, sich vor Angriffen zu schützen. Keine Antivirensoftware wird von Deutschen so häufig gekauft wie die von Kaspersky. –>> via Pocket