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Tag: psych&behaviour

Beim Kennenlernen bewerten euch Menschen anhand dieser zwei Fragen, sagt eine Harvard-Psychologin

Beim Kennenlernen bewerten euch Menschen anhand dieser zwei Fragen, sagt eine Harvard-Psychologin

Wenn wir neue Menschen kennenlernen, bilden wir uns innerhalb weniger Sekunden eine Meinung über sie. Und andersherum werden wir geanauso schnell eingeschätzt. Aber was genau entscheidet, ob uns eine Person mag oder nicht? –>> via Pocket
There’s no such thing as an ‘objective view’ of something

There’s no such thing as an ‘objective view’ of something

A person’s perception of the world around them is a complex process that goes far beyond wavelengths of light hitting the back of the eye. It involves multipart transformations by the brain and is biased by what we a person has seen previously and what they know to be true about the world. –>> via Pocket
Researchers Assume White Americans Are More Representative Of Humankind Than Other Groups, According To Analysis Of Psychology Paper Titles

Researchers Assume White Americans Are More Representative Of Humankind Than Other Groups, According To Analysis Of Psychology Paper Titles

It’s well-known that psychology has a problem with generalisability. Studies overwhelmingly involve “WEIRD” participants: those who are western and educated, from industrialised, rich and democratic societies. –>> via Pocket
Engaging With The Arts Is Related To Greater Wellbeing (But It’s Not Entirely Clear Why)

Engaging With The Arts Is Related To Greater Wellbeing (But It’s Not Entirely Clear Why)

Social isolation and fears for our family and friends, as well as ourselves, have all affected psychological wellbeing during the COVID-19 lockdown. But being unable to visit an art gallery, theatre or live music venues may also have taken its toll. –>> via Pocket
Philosopher Flattens Evolutionary Psychology

Philosopher Flattens Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary psychologists have a knack for simple, memorable descriptions of their view of the human mind. For example, “Our modern skulls house a stone age mind.” That hits a lot of the right buttons, doesn’t it? We all know people that, we suspect, think that way. –>> via Pocket