Weekly round-up: Week 3

Week 3 has been less hectic on my lifestream as I have deliberately tried not to use twitter as a communication tool for my classmates as much and when I do, I don’t always hashtag it to share on my feed but my lifestream blog has been getting some attention. Getting spammed led to my thoughts on learning to communicate through a blog and deal with the change in audience. I even shared some guidelines with an open license.

Dirk stated the obvious but it made me feel warm and fuzzy, he commented that my use of digital education tech to teach others how to use digital educational tech was well digital education.

A tech review on youtube prompted me to consider what constitutes learning and teaching and how does this fit into the digital culture.  From that, I used this blog to put out a digital education challenge on the twitter hashtag.

I tweeted a wake-up call to anyone who thought my job was a cool techie job and explained that the reality is less than cool and not very techie.

Movie club got me thinking about the fear of technology in education and related that to last week’s post about information and “1984” and to work I have been doing this week on lecture capture.  That post has the potential to be a discussion that I may explore further as a practice piece on critical thinking.


One Reply to “Weekly round-up: Week 3”

  1. Interesting to hear that you’ve tried to limit tweets going into your lifestream. I was waiting for someone to suggest this! Might be a good way of keeping your lifestream focused on particular ‘choice’ items, a way of ‘curating’ it. That doesn’t mean, of course, that you don’t still continue to use Twitter, just that you control your lifestream a little more.

    Good to also see you reflecting on education, and seeing this feature in your lifestream. Critical thinking is definitely the way to go here – think back to IDEL week 3 and 4 on criticality. This also reminds me that Jen shared a useful video on critical thinking in Twitter today:


    The idea that lecture capture is a good thing could certainly be questioned, from institutional, teaching, and student perspectives, each with different nuanced. One of the key ways we can use scifi critically on this course is to recognise that it can be very flawed, however it can also be creative. The dystopic visions of surveillance cultures in scifi are definitely creative ways of perceiving our current use of technology, and a good way of developing a critical angle. Perhaps this is something to bear in mind for the final assignment? It might be productive to link things to your current work with lecture capture?

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