Week 5 already, where has the time gone?
I’ve maintained my decision to reduce the twitter chatter on my blog as I am not a massive twitter user normally, however, this is difficult as it continues to be the main community interaction for this course, even with 140 character restrictions, instead I have tried to create dialogue using our blogs with some success. This week we discussed our MOOCs and how some of them are really interesting and well created. Some of us are being sucked in and enjoying them a little too much.
I shared a photo to celebrate the continuation of our IDEL community, a small group of us formed a strong bond which continues. This week also saw me on a workshop as part of work with one of them, teaching them how to plan and create online programmes. The community theme was widened as one of the other participants on the workshop was an academic from Moray House. Small worlds, large communities?
Last week saw us enjoy each other’s artefacts, there were a lot of positive comments and questions about mine so I thought it only fair to write a short post to answer these.
Google Maps
I tried something new this week, I created a shared google map and asked people to pin their locations to create a visual identity of our EDC17 community. Some folk joined in. I plan to use this as a visual prop for “community” in the coming week.
I like the way you’ve structured this post Eli: subheadings to organise reflection on your various feeds. However, I also note your ‘arrggh’ post and your frustrations with the weekly summary. The end of week round-up should indeed be a succinct review of your feeds, however don’t feel that this should limit your ability to write more – your blog is still a blog, so there is plenty of room to write more expansive posts. You can always link to these from your weekly summary.
‘I’ve maintained my decision to reduce the twitter chatter on my blog’
Yes, I think Twitter can crowd the lifestream a little, perhaps because it is a such a quick and easy way of adding content. How about exploring some alternate feeds from IFTTT to replace some of your tweets?
‘The community theme was widened as one of the other participants on the workshop was an academic from Moray House. Small worlds, large communities?’
Ha! I suppose that might reflect some of the discussion in Lister et al. about ‘real’ meetings that accompany online communities?
The google map was fantastic, nice work putting that together and drumming up participants! It’s an interesting visualisation, as it links ‘virtual’ participants to ‘real’ geography, right?