Tweet! My photography learning for my chosen MOOC and #MSCEDC are coming together

#MSCEDC is represented by some of the books I have read over my studies.

I enjoyed the MOOC from block 2 so much that I carried on learning from it in the little bit of spare time I have (aside from work, masters study, family life, my blog, my youtube channel and sleep). This week I had an assignment of taking a self-portrait BUT I couldn’t be in the picture.

It was a really fun assignment which meant I had to do a lot of thought about what would represent me in a photograph. My usual gardening, cooking and cycling were evident, as was my brewing, but right up there was also my studies in MSCDE. The study, Moray House and now the University have all become so much an important part of who I am that I couldn’t possibly leave them out. A very big change from the very first blog post I wrote as part of IDEL where I spoke about how I didn’t feel like I was part of the university. now I find myself thinking about, using and talking about my studies as part of my job, I feel like I have a much better understanding of what I do as a learning technologist, and more importantly what I could do.

MSCDE has changed me, for the better.

Thought I should share some MOOC creativity #mscedc

via Instagram

I realised today that I have been sharing my MOOC participation with everyone except my classmates, who probably understand it the most.

I chose to try out Photography Basics and Beyond: From Smartphone to DSLR Specialisation from Michigan university.  I have never studied photography before but had decided to give it a try before our MOOC weeks started and had even signed up for a local class. I thought this would be a great way to compare on and off-line courses.

I really had no expectations for this MOOC and had thought I’d just lurk and see what was what, but very quickly found myself being drawn in.  I think I may be falling into the label of devotee from Kozinet’s writing (2010).
I have actively taken part in all the peer review assignments and tried to take on board the teachings from each video lecture. I have to be honest as well and say my photos are getting better 🙂
Just for fun, here is a selection of the ones I have taken so far.

A gallery of my photos taken since the start of my MOOC choice.

You can keep up to date with my photos on my Instagram feed:


Kozinets, R.V., 2010. Understanding Culture Online. In Netnography: doing ethnographic research online. London: Sage, pp. 21–40. Available at:

Chosen a photography MOOC for my ethnography study. #mscedc

My desk at work. Screen shows my mooc choice and the camera is a hint.
via Instagram

Carrying on with our thoughts on MOOCs and ethnography, I have decided to go with one of the courses on coursera, on photography. This is something I have no previous knowledge of and so can participate as part of the community as a proper new learner. I am also taking a course in real life on photography during this block so I thought it could be a very interesting contrast so see the community choosing to learn in a real life course which they have to pay for as opposed to a free MOOC.