
Helen’s tweet about the lecture this week raised a smile as I was feeling just as excited abut the opportunity to participate in a lecture. Even though I know there is a raging debate about the benefits and drawbacks of our lecture based education system and how effective it may be, I thrive when there is an opportunity to listen instead of reading. Something that there has not been a lot of opportunities for in the ODL offerings I’ve experienced and so I was gleeful.

I wondered if Helen’s joy at a lecture was because it felt more like being an on-campus student and therefore a stronger connection to our assumptions about what it would be like to study at university, or if her joy was because like me she found listening or watching a better tool for her learning.

Whether or not you think learning styles are a real thing (which is a whole different educational conversation), people do have different strengths and weaknesses, different habits and different abilities. Reading and writing are such core values of the education system that they are the backbone of almost every course.

I raise this as an opportunity, with my classmates studying Digital Education with the intention of moving into a career in an educational setting, or indeed who already work in an individual setting – a chance to ask you to think about your course design and how it brings out the best in your students and gives them the best opportunity to learn and I wonder, how will a student with reading difficulties fair in your course? Is there an opportunity to use digital tools in a way that flips traditional teaching on its head, a way to level the opportunity to for all the student on your course?

If you were designing a new course for the Digital Education programme, how would you do it? What tools would you use? What would you keep from your experiences and what would you change?

Just some random food for thought.


Open – I feel vulnerable

screenshots of my digital footprint

Currently battling with my own perception of my personal cyber culture. With the #MSCEDC course being pretty much conducted publicly for all and sundry, I’m questioning why I feel uncomfortable about it. After all, I blog, publicly A LOT, at last count I have 8 blogs, I have a youtube channel which again is public, I tweet, public, and much more so what’s the issue? I can only ascertain it’s about control or the level of control.  My digital footprint is massive, google me (that sounds like a teenage put down) and you’ll find pictures, blog posts etc. but in all of that I control what is and isn’t public, who can and can’t access things and how they are displayed. I carefully construct what I say and how I interact on these platforms to present the public face I want people to see. With the course blog, I feel I have very little control, it’s all public but I can’t decide not to post because I have to use it for the purpose of the course so all my thoughts, my personal development, my mistakes are there, laid bare.