When technology performs

When technology performs

While reading ‘The Body and Information Technology’ by Miller (2011) I was particularly intrigued by his discussion on cyborgs and the technologies that enable “the tool and the tool user to become ‘one'”. Human-machine relationships therefore can be characterised in a number of ways and can support education and careers. Dance is no longer impossible when technological apparatuses are used to restore function and lost limbs. The question for me is when we look at cyborgs and the boundaries between human and machine, do we need a coach? Is it more of a learning process that takes place between the body and machine?   Therefore can this technology enhance the teaching and learning process or does it enhance the ability of the student?

Wayne (2014, p.15) notes that “technology and eduction would see the human neither as dominating technology nor as being dominated by it” in a post humanism position. Looking at this particular case the enhancement depends on the technology, the object, the learner and the subject.


Bayne, S. (2014) What’s the matter with ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’? Learning, Media and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2014.915851 (journal article)

Miller, V. (2011). Understanding digital culture. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

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