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Day: February 3, 2017




I love your reference to Wayne and his words resonates with my ongoing exploration of the body and technology. Although, I have struggled to answer your question as I seem to have taken an anthropocentric stance.

Linzi x

from Comments for Helen’s EDC blog

Raised by Technology

Raised by Technology

At the start of my blog I shared a post regarding children and technology. Today, whilst reading Nigel Welwyn (2016) ‘Is Technology Good for Education?’ , I questioned the use of technology in the classroom and if the most appropriate systems and tools are being used within education. Although research is evolving we still don’t know the implications of our children being raised by technology. Will they have a fragmented connection with the world or will they have a lack of empathy and physical connection with others? Over the years there has been discussion regarding the increased interaction with technology and if the exposure will change the way children think and focus.

The article ‘Determining the Effects of Technology on children‘ by Hatch (2011) discussed the positive and negative sides to technology in and out of the classroom. However, I still wonder the implications of a world where technology is unavoidable and how social relationships and connections between human and nature could be jeopardised if the exposure is not monitored.



Now, I enjoyed Haraway (2007) after reading it a couple of times as it wasn’t only long but hard for me to digest in one reading. I found myself skimming words and having to go back as I found my brain going in to lazy mode/meltdown. I’m not sure if it is the amount of reading that I’m doing on a whole for the course or the time of day that I find myself sitting down to papers. Colin, one of my EDC peers, thankfully posted a youTube video of Haraway on twitter and what an interesting ‘human’ she is! It makes a difference having words animated by the person. The use of body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and timing all come into play as I got a sense of her as a person and I was not only engaged but reacting to her words. The body/mind dualism helped me process the power of consciousness.


Haraway, Donna (2007) A cyborg manifesto from Bell, David; Kennedy, Barbara M (eds), The cybercultures reader pp.34-65, London: Routledge. (e-reserve, pdf)