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Day: February 6, 2017

Does dance fit?

Does dance fit?

My thoughts have been between a grey area where I am unsure where I stand on Cyber Culture and how it can transform dance education and influence my teaching. I’ve a lot yet to learn and today felt rather gloomy as I wondered if maybe dance as a kinaesthetic subject doesn’t fit within digital education. However, on my daily commute the universe seemed to answer in that moment as I drove through the anti solar point of a FULL (I could only see the semi-circle due to my position on the ground) rainbow. Positivity has returned!!

@Cheneehey there are many videos and games but all 2D…There should be another element added due to the technology now available #mscedc

@Cheneehey there are many videos and games but all 2D…There should be another element added due to the technology now available #mscedc

We are in constant access to technology and Miller (2011) describes our relationship as three elements: embodiment, hermeneutic and alterity. Using technology that will alter our sense of being in the physical realm will take time for our brain to adjust and process the data of information. It may be confusing but like Miller suggests after a while embodiment will become mundane and habitual. Haptic technology along with Virtual reality (VR) programmes can allow us to use all senses to learn movement and our perceptions of the tasks can be modified if given cutaneous, kinaesthetic and haptic feedback that is based on Kinaesthetic learning.


Miller, V. (2011) Chapter 9: The Body and Information Technology, in Understanding Digital Culture. London: Sage. (e-reserve, pdf)

It’s a collaboration and a ‘connection’

It’s a collaboration and a ‘connection’

Dance is something more than an isolated subject, it’s about connection. This could be a connection between the body/mind, the performer/audience, dancer/dancers, movement/music. The teacher and student is no different. We need to embrace different ways to represent these connections through interactive digital education if we are to give a quality dance experience.