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Day: February 25, 2017

Sometimes you just need to ‘Switch Off”

Sometimes you just need to ‘Switch Off”

This course has been intense in regards to reading. The core readings themselves unfortunately don’t make much sense due to my lack of  experience and background in technology. I have purchased many books and read whenever I can. I read at home, on the road at work and even in the bath. I use technology in multifarious ways to help retain information and key points. I read aloud, I use apps that read articles while on the move, I take screenshots of specific paragraphs which are then put in to folders. The link attached made me consider the amount of time I waste acknowledging notifications, e-mails, calls and office chat. In a world where I feel the need to be accessible to others I can become easily distracted. Over the last two weeks, I have switched off my computer or phone and locked myself in a room for a period of time where I am fully focused and my brain is ‘Switched on’.

One size does not fit all!

One size does not fit all!


Today, I tried to help Eli by sending my screenshots – I have so many. She was polite at telling me they were in NO WAY useful to her. It was a classic case of ‘what works for one may not work for another’.

Below is an image of the collection of screenshots that created spam in her inbox. Although Zamzam was a useful tool to pass on…..