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Day: February 27, 2017




This is wonderful! How did you manage to do the full MOOC in such a short period of time? Did you crash course this MOOC or was it only for a few weeks?

The reason I ask is due to my current xMOOC releasing new content at the end of each week. I’ve only completed week 2 and even i wanted to speed ahead, I can’t. I Unfortunately need to stay in line with the rest of the participants.


from Comments for Eli’s EDC blog



Anne!! I replied to Clare via Twitter today regarding the topic of ‘blog comments’. I said that it would be so much easier to leave voice notes , it take less time and it would feel more personal. Tone of voice speaks volumes….even if robotic lol.


from Comments for Anne’s EDC blog

What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains


Most of us are on the Internet on a daily basis and whether we like it or not, the Internet is affecting us. It changes how we think, how we work. Gracie and I have just giggled at this video that I found . Great animation and visual artefact that helps us digest the science behind how our brains are affected through overexposure. #mscedc

Functional Anatomy Online

Functional Anatomy Online

SHOULDER STABILITY – What your #shoulders SHOULD an SHOULD NOT be doing. Watch positive and negative shoulder stability in action like #never before #seen in real life.Tanya Louw Thompson – CEO and founder of Of-CourseOnline#OnlineCourses #VideoCourses #Exercise #PilatesInstructors #Yoga #Biokineticists #PhysicalTherapists #ExercisePhysiologistsShoulder stability wow factor Online Video Course🌟 AccreditedZAR 310$24Euro 23(Want to know what our COURSE PRICES are in YOUR CURRENCY?Use the #Currency converter link here, to convert from ZAR (South African Rand) and select your currency:

Posted by Of-CourseOnline on Sunday, 19 February 2017

It’s easier to see the movement in action rather than just reading or listening to text and looking at pictures. It’s great to see technology deliver knowledge and understanding through social media. Through Baynes paper I feel that videos demonstrating a breakdown of specific technical exercises can allow technology to ‘enhance teachers’  producing new tools for teaching and learning. It can in return allow learners to make sense of the information overload. #mscedc  SHOULDER STABILITY


Bayne, S. (2014) What’s the matter with ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’? Learning, Media and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2014.915851 (journal article)