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Day: March 6, 2017



Another really impressive and creative piece from you Anne – thank you. It’s a really emotive arrangement.

I really liked your comment:
“When MOOC members go beyond participation and become teachers, contributors and storytellers, the online community is enriched and strengthened.”

In a sense, the MOOC members are projecting themselves into the community – their experience, their feelings, their history their knowledge. In this sense the location of what is valued/what can be learned from becomes ‘distributed’.

I also thought that one reason your MOOC might have been more participatory is the role of empathetic listening when dealing with such fraught subject matter. While we should listen empathetically more frequently, I doubt many do (certainly based on most of our peers’ experiences in their MOOCs). In contrast, one’s humanity prevents one from speaking over or ignoring sensitive subject matter, or those things very important to another (like in Philip’s MOOC). Maybe listening is the key (an idea which I must also credit to Linzi, through her posts on my blog).

Thanks again for sharing. Your artefact construction is inspirational!

from Comments for Anne’s EDC blog



Despite your protestations, this is brilliant work as ever, Renée. The infographics work well to illustrate the findings which you refer to in your audio.

Like Linzi, I’m conscious of how much time it must have taken to collate all of this data! Very impressive stuff.

As Stuart has already noted, the limitations of the learning environment you were in are striking: your LMS impaired rather than enhanced your ability to connect with the other learners. I really like the Collier quote you’ve used in connection to this.

Thanks for sharing this and I hope you get all of your technical issues sorted soon!


from Comments for Renée’s EDC blog

When technology creates a generation of sleep deprivation

When technology creates a generation of sleep deprivation

Over the last 8 weeks I can only empathise with todays youth that are addicted to technology and their phones. I have found myself wired most nights as I try to keep up with my EDC peers on social media platforms, Blog feeds, research and acquiring Knowledge and Understanding through books, ebooks and Skype chats. I feel a fraction of my well rested and perky self.




Ah yes – the hoop jumping contribution. Very familiar with that one, Linzi.. (from a previous online course, not mscde, of course 😉 I guess I thought though, that since most people didn’t bother to complete the required replies/posts (the average number of posts+replies of the 99 with public profiles that started in week 1 was 8/median 6, yet the first week alone required 10 (combined) posts+replies) that at least some of the questions may have been genuine.
You are quite right though about forced participation leading to a performance or demonstration of engagement, knowledge and critical thinking. Which, of course, privileges a particular way of ‘being a student’. Gourlay (2015) is a good read on this.

from Comments for Renée’s EDC blog