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Category: Week 1

It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies

It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies


I can relate to this on many levels but I also understand that children can benefit from the use of technology in a world where it has become unavoidable, a necessity and part of our culture. However, I agree that it is our duty as individuals or in this case as parents to keep the balance of interaction between both human and machine healthy!
from Facebook

Just Me, My Mac, and I preparing for Education and Digital Cultures course #mscedc

Just Me, My Mac, and I preparing for Education and Digital Cultures course #mscedc

I am currently in a hotel sitting at a quiet area of the restaurant reading papers attached to the Education and Digital Cultures (EDC) course. Instagram and Twitter allows me to post an image of the physical space and a selfie to my the new virtual space where I will be communicating with my peers for the next 14 weeks. This image captures a beautiful example of how technology eradicates limitations placed by time, space and location.


Modern contemporary dance as choreographers collaborate with technology

Modern contemporary dance as choreographers collaborate with technology

When choreographers collaborate with technology it creates an illusion that is powerful! Technology can be framed as a tool and there are many perceptions on how technology may enhance. Our overview and interpretation may position ‘human’ and ‘technology’ as separate (Knox, 2015) or they can become enmeshed. Innovation of dance and technology has allowed the choreographer and the performer to captivate the audience. The evolution of technology and dance performance may not always run parallel but a pattern may emerge where incremental ‘steps’ lead to ambitious collaborations and productions.

from Facebook

Ok, I can slow down my breathing to a more reasonable pace!! “Ok slow down.” by Chris McDonald #mscedc

Ok, I can slow down my breathing to a more reasonable pace!! “Ok slow down.” by Chris McDonald #mscedc

Now as a newbie to Cyber Culture and Artificial Intelligence I am finding myself both vulnerable and naive until I broaden my Knowledge and Understanding. I’m currently taking on a dystopian angle where I am in fear of the unknown.

from Twitter

Wow, really? “The mind-blowing AI announcement from Google that you probably missed.” by @AGuyCalledGil #mscedc

Wow, really? “The mind-blowing AI announcement from Google that you probably missed.” by @AGuyCalledGil #mscedc

The Article found here has me considering the how, what and why of everything? I even had to look up ‘anthropomorphising’ along with a few youtube videos to get to grips with certain aspects off the article. I know I can not take the information as gospel because anyone can post something on the internet these days, although, I am sitting here at my computer thinking ‘RRRrrrrrreallyyy????’.

Hello world!

Hello world!



Hello world! I am a Dance Educator based in Dundee and I’ve been working all over Scotland since 2006. I am currently studying MSc Dance Science and Education and welcome the world of technology into a life where I not only move for a living but I am constantly on the move geographically.

I grew up with very limited access to technology and was forever outdoors. Now, technology is everywhere and is not bound by location. I am fascinated in the new generations ability to grasp the tablets and gadgets available to them. I am a superhero in the eyes of my daughter and we keep ‘connected’ by exploring life together. We are in constant contact even when I travel due to the ever-evolving technology available.

I feel trepidatious about a course that will not only challenge me but will expose the journey. However, I am excited at the possibilites to broaden my skills and help dance evolve online and not just in the studio. Please find a few fun facts about me here new-piktochart_21241298_4327a0fef87b526d9611067b4b8604f90e3a8577.