Liked on YouTube: Dance vs. PowerPoint, a modest proposal – John Bohannon
I am considering doing this for my Dissertation….Do you think it will be possible??
I am considering doing this for my Dissertation….Do you think it will be possible??
from Flickr
In an e-mail from Coursera there are definitely algorithms at play as I am sent a list of recommended courses. The selection of courses have a connection with my current MOOC ‘The Brain and Space’ but I am not in a position to take on another course. I consider browsing the list and even read a few in depth before coming to my senses. I can’t help but feel tempted and wonder if Coursera are putting pressure on me to expand my education? Is it for my benefit or a marketing strategy to increase course numbers and financial gain? I then start to consider the algorithms that may influence student course choices and career pathway. Do students find themselves being led down the garden path where they are navigated to a course that may not be suitable or necessary. Are algorithms making choices and narrowing a selection of courses that will shape ones career and life direction?
Beer, D. (2016). The social power of algorithms. Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/1369118x.2016.1216147
Knox, J., 2014. Active Algorithms: Sociomaterial Spaces in the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC. Campus Virtuales, 3(1), pp.42–55.
Now this episode of Health & Fitness for me is delightful to watch. The video led by the lovely Preston encourages the older generation to move and gain physical mobility by following the instructions and demonstrations by the elegant members of the Scottish Ballets ‘Elders’ class. When working with 55+ its apparent that it is not just about the physical activity but that there is also a social aspect. Like all community classes there is a need to feel part of a group and for many a dance session can provide this. Whether an individual can make it to the class or not, having a session available online will encourage the participant to fit in the weekly session from the comfort of their own home. I just hope that technology will allow us to create a virtual class where participants can interact with each other whilst taking part, capturing a sense of community and inclusion.
Scottish Ballet along with other National Companies are creating educational videos to demonstrate class or tutorials. They also have live webcasts which enable the public to have a behind the scenes vital experience where the company can discuss their current work, open up their rehearsals, and allow viewers a tour of their studios whilst providing a discussion with the Artistic Director, dancers and Educationalists. Schools can access the footage which can support their topic within the arts as well as engage and encourage pupils to embrace the dance world.