The ‘Film Festival’ was an interesting cultural experience. Someone on the chat-stream mentioned popcorn: I, for one, cracked open a bottle of cold beverage to augment the occasion. I was fascinated by the focus on chatting while watching, and how much that cuts across the typical cinema experience, but feeds into (and off) the watching-with-mates experience.
Labels make and reflect cultures: calling it a ‘film festival’ links into a long and diverse history, at least back to 1932 (, and a quick Google search for ‘online film festival’ shows up a whole realm of digital culture I wasn’t aware of. Two initial comments here on what I’ve found:
1. How does one uncover the good, the bad and the ugly, and discern one from the other? In part, it’s the case with any new cultural exploration. But, for me in theological education, it’s not good to be going poking around watching short films on work-time without some sort of guide. Suddenly, strangely, I almost want a algorithm to help me. I wasn’t expecting that thought / reaction. How, though, do I explore digital cultures’ film artefacts appropriately, within my particular educational setting?
2. There’s a lot of different educational and social uses for online films, and the educational and the social quickly blur. Just the ‘Our Features’ and ‘Use Cases’ on the frontpage of demonstrate that. Quite apart from the ‘themes’ in our recent film festival, the forms themselves are fascinating.