@Cheneehey @helenwalker7 @philip_downey we could make their childhoods properly 'efficient' then 😨😱#mscedc
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
@philip_downey Parents are in a bind,wanting best for their kids,often not knowing how to get it. How is LA 'sold' to them?Fair sale?#mscedc
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
@notwithabrush so the data we 'include' is related to what we believe learning looks like #mscedc
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
@notwithabrush yes-approach.If only give social learning ops,student can only demonstrate this kind of success.If only MCQ,only that #mscedc
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
@dabjacksonyang to look at whole experience, which data points may not capture #mscedc
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
@dabjacksonyang true. Which is why jst following student performance isn't enough.Need
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
@notwithabrush @j_k_knox #mscedc does it depend on pedagogy used also?type of L-ing ops=ways students can perform 'being' student+gen. data
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
no tag TWICE. #mscedc Do I even have a right to be here? 😉 https://t.co/pnjnEIoott
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
sorry, analytics, forgot my tag. #mscedc I'm a 'terrible' learner; alert learning support! https://t.co/vOA429C7CS
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017
Lifestream, Tweets
@j_k_knox often assumes learners use LMS in way we intend.Assumes direct rel'n'ship btw tech proficiency/visible tech use&academic outcomes.
— Renée Hann (@rennhann) March 16, 2017