Description: New Social Network Eter9 Leads To Digital Immortality & Singularity? … see more at Inventorspot.com
By Renha
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Apparently Eter9 uses artificial intelligence to learn to mimic individuals so that it can post in their absence, giving them ‘digital immortality’.
I find this creepy on multiple levels. It doesn’t promise immortality, just the illusion of immortality for others (not the person immortalised) – why? What value does it add, for whom, and in who’s interest?
In the same way that Memory 2.0 felt ‘wrong’ to me (though, I’m still not sure I truly ‘got’ the full intended meaning), for me Eter9 raises questions about data ownership. Clearly those signing-up agree to donate data, but surely it would be naive to assume permanence within the terms and conditions of service? Users no doubt will not be able to withdraw their consent posthumously! And.. what about the right to be forgotten and.. the right not to be reminded?